Monday, July 17, 2006

Thank You

Pain Spectrum – we are still going with the "red but I'm going to pretend that it's yellow" thing. It's been working so far!
BM/RD Index – 6
Fuzz meter – 6

So, the cocktail party conundrum post got a bunch of comments, online and off, and wow, did they help. A lot. I’m through with worrying. Instead of trying to format the perfect (and perfectly boring) pat phrase, I am going base my responses on what I think the questioners are like, ask lots of questions, and most of all, HAVE A GOOD TIME! In honor of this decision, I am going to go out tomorrow (by myself!!!!!!) to spurge on a mani-pedi, have my K treat me to lunch, and blow a small wad o’ cash on frivolous things. So to all you SCBFs out there: thanks for reminding me to take everything with a dash of humor. I’ll let you know how things go.


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